Saturday, July 25, 2009

SOS(spider of Satan)

I was sitting here at my desk minding my own buisness making french toast when this devil of a spider started crawling up the wall from the ground. This thing is scary as hell looking. It's driven me to sitting far away from my desk(thank God for wireless mouse and keyboard)into the middle of the room afriad to touch my feet on the ground. I ask for help and everyone just seems to laugh and think I'm kidding. Jerks. So while I was sitting here pondering how to get the devilish beasty out of here, I conjured me a contraption that will most likely get it. As you can see in the picture about, it's by the back of the desk so I'm afraid that if I go for it it will break free and come back for death while I'm sleeping. So at the bottom you can see the device I created to help me in my problems. It only consist of parer, plastic cup, and a screw driver. The paper is so that the spider can't go behind the desk and the cup is to capture this demon and the screw driver is for my safety oviously. I made it about 2 hours ago just haven't found the guts to try it. I tried wishing it away. No go. So idk what I'm going to do to survive the night. I was waiting on marsh to arive to take care of it. Not going to happen. So idk what my options are. Sleep in my car. Well adios people.

-- Post From My iPhone--

Friday, July 24, 2009

Angels and Demons

so last night I went and saw the movie Angels and Demons. I previously read the book and was very happy with it. Lots of symbology and suspense. My favorite. But when I went and saw the movie, it was nothing like the book. Usually the movie is semi similar to the book, but this one was way different. The basis of the story was the same, anti-matter stolen, lost in Vatican city, find before blows up. That was the same. Everything else was not. Took people out (important people who totally change the plot) and changed peoples positions. The whole unfolding at the end of the book with the plot and revealing of things was awsome I couldnt put the book down. Made an awsome ending to a great book. Changed every single scene. I don't think any scene was the same as the book. Very disturbing. A lot of scenes in the book would have been far better than the movie. Much more suspense and action. I'v just been awaiting this release and I'm very disappointed. The movie might of been good if I hadent read the book first, but I recomend reading it over seeing it. Far better. Over all they could have been closer and not ruined it so much and actually made a good movie. But that's not my job. If they called me to do the next movie. I would make it word for word of the book. But that will never happen. So that's my story.

-- Post From My iPhone--

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your sweet Obama


Read it and think. I know it's hard but you can do it.

Feisty Lady Lawyer Tells Chief Justice: Investigate Obama

March 30, 2009

Was Barack Obama ever eligible to be president of the United States ? Have he and his wife committed massive tax fraud?

Has he perjured himself? Has a forger been at work on his personal documents? These are just a few questions feisty lady lawyer, Orly Taitz , recently demanded Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to address.

When Chief Justice John Roberts opened the floor to questions following a recent speech at the University of Idaho, he and 5,000 people finally heard the truth about an attorney’s frustrated attempts to have the court force purported President Obama to prove his natural born American citizen status.

When the audience was told after the lecture that they could ask questions, Russian-born Dr. Orly Taitz, the southern California lawyer handling the suit filed by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes et al. , was the first to run for the microphone.

“I left home at three o’clock in the morning and flew and drove thousands of miles to talk to you and ask you a question,” she said to the chief justice. “Are you aware that there is criminal activity going on in the Supreme Court of the United States ? I have submitted my Lightfoot vs. Bowen case to you. You agreed to hear it in the conference of all nine justices on January 23rd."

“Your clerk, Danny Bickle , on his own accord, refused to forward to you an important supplemental brief that he has hidden from you and refused to post on the docket. Additionally, my case was completely erased from the docket one day after the inauguration, only two days before it was supposed to be heard in the conference. Outraged citizens had to call and demand for it to be posted. I saw Justice (Antonin) Scalia, and he had absolutely no knowledge of my case that was supposedly heard in conference on January 23rd. “It is inexplicable, particularly knowing that roughly half a million American citizens have written to him and to you, Justice Roberts, demanding that you hear this issue of eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, to be the president of the United States.”

At this point she showed Roberts a stack of papers, her pleadings and printouts containing the names of some 350,000 people who had signed the petition, and the chief justice, lassoed with no comfortable avenue of escape, surrendered.

“I will read your documents, “ he said. “Give them to my Secret Service Agent and I will review them.” Taitz had a full suitcase of documents which she then handed to a Secret Service Agent who showed his ID, introduced himself as Gilbert Shaw and promised her that Justice Roberts would get them.

The tenacious Orly Taitz had done her homework well. In addition to 3,300 pages of the signees of the petition, were a motion to reconsider Lightfoot vs. Bowen , with all the supplemental briefs, and a copy of Quo Warranto Easterling et al. vs. Obama et al., the challenge by military officers of Obama’s qualifications to be their commander-in-chief.

In addition, she included a 164-page dossier and all the other documents sent to Eric Holder , attorney general, describing suspected criminal activity associated with Obama and his supporters. It described a whole campaign of cyber crimes, intimidation, harassment, defamation and assassination of character, and the mysterious impersonation of her and U.S. Army officer Scott Easterling by persons unknown. It showed screen shots of information being erased from the docket of the Supreme Court and contained information of court cases being created and fabricated in order to commit voter fraud and sway public opinion.

The package also contained the astounding list of 100 addresses for Barack Obama with numerous different Social Security numbers, issued all over the country and attached to those addresses.

It showed the address Obama used in Somerville , Mass. , attached to the Social Security of a man who, if still living, is 118 years old. It showed evidence of Obama committing perjury, lying under oath. It had his school registration from Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro , citizen of Indonesia , religion: Muslim. Right after this page there was a page of Obama’s registration to become an attorney and office of the court in Illinois , where he stated under oath that his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he had no other prior names. It contained a report from federal agent Steven Coffman , stating that there are numerous signs of forgery in his Selective Service certificate.

Furthermore, the dossier contained a letter from renowned expert Sandra Line, stating that there are signs of forgery in Obama’s short version “Certification of Live Birth,” and the original birth certificate needs to be reviewed in order to ascertain his status.

It contained 130 current job positions for Barry Obama , Barack H. Obama and Michelle Obama , but none of them was reported on the Obama’s tax returns.

All of these documents suggest possible massive tax fraud, corruption of a public official, bribery and massive campaign contributions fraud, whereby large campaign contributions, well over allowed limits, were reported as fictitious positions with different companies, not surprisingly involving most mainstream media outlets.

As one of the announcers introduced Roberts , he stated that Roberts has his priorities straight. He described an event when Roberts missed most of a reception because he wanted to be there for his young son, at the sports tournament where his son was participating. He described Roberts as a caring and loving father.

“I missed time with my children, too,” says Taitz, “because I am criss-crossing this country talking to justices of the Supreme Court, representatives, senators, FBI agents, attorney generals, U.S. attorneys; asking all of them, “What is wrong with you? Did some evil magician put a spell on the men in this country and you stopped being men? Why are you afraid to speak up, to stand up for your Constitution?” At least now everybody at that meeting knows the truth and knows that the leftist media thugs, such as the Seattle Washington Observer, shamelessly twists the truth to fit their pro-Obama, blind idiot agenda.

“I hope Justice Roberts teaches his son by example and not by empty words,” she said.

Here's a link to her questioning the justice.

-- Post From My iPhone--

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saterday Night Spider Fight

So tonight was just calm easy night with marshas brother Jerry. Just screwing around with my phone as always, and out of nowhere an epic spider battle of epic proportions right outside my door. At first to me it seemed that the big one was making it's web in a circle, then out of nowhere his enemy that he was blind sided by came and started destroying it. Then it decided to start making it's own right on top of the big one. And to note the "other one" is a scrawny little cracker spider but it had decent size legs and the "big one" has a big body and legs. So at first I would think that the big one would dominate. So as the night goes on, everytime the big one would come around on it's web the other one was coming down around the same spot. At that's when the punches were thrown. It was insane to watch. And that happened at least 15 times. Then out of nowhere, the big one says " screw this, your dead" and goes straight up the web that the other one was making. Then that's when the real fight started. They were throwing down some tough punchs. The other one kept on falling and then crawling back up for more. It was out right awsome. Then the big one backed off and went to the other side and the other one went back to work and so the big one got pissed again. This time he went to the center and stop and just started swinging his arms around while the other one just went on with it's web. Then the big one dashes after the other one and it starts all over again. Then the big one suprisenly backs up and starts to curl up so were like nnnnooooo our buddy lost. ( I live in a shop and these same spiders come by every summer so I call them my guard spiders). So the other one gets close and smacks the big one a few times and backs off to see what's happens. Then it crawl on top and we sighed and said it was a good fight. Then out of nowhere the big one comes back!!!!!! And they start throwing down and then the big ones over comes the other one. Then idk how but the little one takes over and starts rockin domes with the other one. ( i said it was like a soap oprah, cause it was)Then it got wierd. They were fighting on top of each other then they slowly stopped. They just cuddled for about 15 mins. Then out of nowhere the other one drops and just lays there and the big one goes back to making it's web. So we went to the other one to see what was up and it was alive! So Jerry killed it.

-The End

-- Post From My iPhone--

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This previous week I have been working in Corona del Mar laying wod floors in a house. It's a love hate type thing. It's fun to put together and look at when it's done but the whole up and down action isn't my thing. But in the long run in my head it turned out looking swell.

It took about 4 days total. I did the whole floor but my dad did the base board. At first it was a bit challenging because it was my second time over all doing a floor. But after the first few rows it was a quick pace and I had a good flow going.

I'm glad it's over but it would be fun to do again. I just hope not anytime soon because my knees are hurtin. Let me know what you think of it.




- Post From My iPhone--

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Driving range

This evening I went to the driving range with my pal Jerry. He was quite a character when he's tryin to golf. I wasn't much better at first. It was my first time iv gone in over 3 years at least. Then all of a suddem I was doing awsome. Hit the 250 mark. I thought it was funny because there are all these people there with the fancy gloves and clubs and I go there with ancient clubs that my dad used back in the day, car that needs to be push started, and jerrys outfit is outright insane

, and I'm wacking 250 while there happy to get 150. Funy stuff. Got to go more often. Jerry did pretty well. He got off the ground a few times. Haha. It was a blast and want to go again.

-- Post From My iPhone--

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Working on putting down hard wood floor takes a lot of thinking and that's tiring by itself.


But it still looks good when done. I'll show the rest when I'm done.

Post From My iPhone--

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sitting in the car on the 91 parking lot. They do all this renovation that takes a ton of money and time to add onto these parking lots and it doesn't seem to help much. Maybe at some parts they might. But you find them, you show me.

-- Post From My iPhone--

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

GO phone with iPhone

Say goodbye GO phone with iPhone!

If you currently have the GO phone minutes plan for your iPhone, you are about to be cut off. This message above shows that if you don't switch to a normal contract plan, that you will not be able to use your iPhone. Just another way for AT&T to control you. If you have a regular monthly contract plan, then your fine. Only GO phone users will be disconnected. So if you receive this message, contact AT&T and check it out.

Post From My iPhone