Saturday, July 25, 2009

SOS(spider of Satan)

I was sitting here at my desk minding my own buisness making french toast when this devil of a spider started crawling up the wall from the ground. This thing is scary as hell looking. It's driven me to sitting far away from my desk(thank God for wireless mouse and keyboard)into the middle of the room afriad to touch my feet on the ground. I ask for help and everyone just seems to laugh and think I'm kidding. Jerks. So while I was sitting here pondering how to get the devilish beasty out of here, I conjured me a contraption that will most likely get it. As you can see in the picture about, it's by the back of the desk so I'm afraid that if I go for it it will break free and come back for death while I'm sleeping. So at the bottom you can see the device I created to help me in my problems. It only consist of parer, plastic cup, and a screw driver. The paper is so that the spider can't go behind the desk and the cup is to capture this demon and the screw driver is for my safety oviously. I made it about 2 hours ago just haven't found the guts to try it. I tried wishing it away. No go. So idk what I'm going to do to survive the night. I was waiting on marsh to arive to take care of it. Not going to happen. So idk what my options are. Sleep in my car. Well adios people.

-- Post From My iPhone--


  1. Bwahahahahahhahahaha SISSY!!! Good thing Marsha came home and saved the day.... hahahahaha

  2. It must be the ugly bug time of year. Check out Jenn's ugly bug that she found in her house!!! So what finally happened?
